Past Events

SriMithuru Sinhala/Tamil New Year 2014 outdoor traditonal games were held at Sussex Heights Primary School ground on 18th of April, 2014. It iwas a day with friends and relatives and fun filled day for the participants.

Games list is attached.

10.30 am: Games start with Marathon

Few disturbances from MalWehi till noon.

12.30 pm: Awurudu Kema Mesaya - Plenty of  traditional Sri Lankan food and drinks were there to share everyone

Coffee and Tea was there throughout the day

Thank you all for participating the event and help SriMithuru in numberous ways (donations, helping game organising, ...)

We have successfully concluded the SriMithuru Cricket Tournament 2014. We had 12 teams competing to win the championship. After the preliminary round matches,four top teams of each groups; Cricket Sri Lanka, Kelani Super, Sri Lankan Fire and Kelani Fire went in to semi-finals. After stunning batting performances backed up with accurate bowling, Kelani Fire led by Ravi Hewawisse emerged as champions of SriMithuru Cricket 2014 by defeating Kelani Super in the finals. We would like to congratulate winning team and wish good luck for all the teams in forthcoming tournaments including next SriMithuru Cricket Tournament on March 9, 2015.

It was pleasing to see young teams, The Clan and Cricket Sri Lanka performing well in the tournament. We have no doubts that they will come with all guns blazing when we meet next. It was encouraging sight of over 300 attendees on the ground cheering their teams and enjoying the family environment.

Meanwhile, our special thanks should go to all the volunteers who turned up to help us by scoring, umpiring, organizing sausage sizzle, preparing the grounds and supporting us in numerous other ways.

SriMithuru Family day was held on the Saturday, 5th of October. It was another great day for everyone who joined the SriMithuru Family Day
Time       : 1.00pm onwards
Venue    : Jells park,Waverley Netball Centre,Waverley Rd, Wheelers Hill

Weather was excellent for us. Everyone enjoyed the day at the BBQ followed by Girls Netball game with a great participation of many younger members of the group. Highlight of the day was “Elle” game which brought everyone to the field. Kids and parents all enjoyed the game with great enthusiasm. It was a great sight to be witnessed.

Thank you everyone for your support to make this day a great success.





SriMithuru Cultural and entertainment night 2013 was held on the 4 May Saturday, at Clayton hall. SriMithuru Awurudu Celebration 2013 concluded with very successful and very colourful “Awurudu Sandawa” .Proceedings was started at 6.00pm with the lightning of traditional oil lamp followed by kids Awurudu items.Fancy Dress parade was commenced at 7.00pm.

It was a great team effort through the entire day to setup the environment for the performance of our kids and parents worked tirelessly through last few weeks. This is the strength of SriMithuru.

Traditional Outdoor games – Saturday 13th  April

Time: Games start from 10.00 am.

Venue: Sussex heights Primary School ground, Solomon Street Mount Waverley, VIC 3149. Map reference

Awurudu Kema Mesaya at 01.00pm - Bring a plate of your favourite traditional Sri Lankan food item and plenty of drinks to share with others.
